New Website Coming Soon
Registration Dates

We are pleased to announce that our new Georgia Virtual Learning (GaVL) website will be launching on March 26, 2025! This new site will consolidate all our programs into one central hub. Learn more about our new and improved website experience.


Welcome to Georgia Virtual Learning!

New Microcourse on Digital Learning Days!

Just in Time for Teachers: Digital Learning Days Course (Click Here) will introduce digital learning basics and will assist in planning for digital learning days.  As Georgia's trusted partner for innovative digital learning experiences, emphasizing skills to prepare students for success in the global world, this course will share critical best practices, tools and knowledge based on 15 years of virtual education experience at Georgia Virtual to assist educators who are planning for and transitioning to an online format to support digital learning days.


Online Support for Special Needs I (Click Here) This course increases the participant’s understanding of serving students with special needs in the online environment. Participants learn about special needs populations, strategies to support special needs students, implementation of accommodations in the online environment, Individualized plans, and data in the online environment to support special needs students.


Georgia Virtual Shared Content

Georgia Virtual Learning's Ecosystem 

Georgia Virtual Learning is more than a course or offerings of courses. It is your headquarters for online education from the Georgia Department of Education. For more information on how all of these offereings work togethether, visit our Ecosystem page. If you already know which program you are looking for, click the logo below for more information.

Follow Us

Georgia Virtual Learning is your headquarters for online education from the Georgia Department of Education. Stay tuned as the program grows into your portal to various learning resources delivered by the GaDOE. Currently, you can find links to Georgia Virtual School, the online learning opportunity for 9-12 students, and Georgia Credit Recovery, the teacher-less online location for students who need to recover credit from an unsuccessful course.